Monday, November 20, 2017

when the unexpected slams you in the face like a volleyball.

You can cry. That's allowed.

In fact, you may even end up crying yourself to sleep. That's ok.

You can be upset or even angry. But it is important to keep things in perspective. Don't take it out on someone who had nothing to do with it.

Let yourself be comforted. It sometimes feels good to hold on to anger and sadness, but that is a self-destructive and dangerous habit.

You will probably feel down for several days, in fact, you may be melancholy for a week or so. But if something makes you smile, dwell on that instead. It will do you good.

Focus your energy on something else. It's amazing how when you throw yourself into working on a project or some such thing, it helps you to forget. Keep yourself busy.

If you have one, cuddle your pet. Petting a dog or cradling a cat can help solve a multitude of problems.

Don't shut your family out. They can and will help you. That's what families are for.

Ask for prayer. It's hard to know what to do. Asking for prayer is always going to be your best bet.

Recognize that sometimes things just go sour and there's nothing you can do about it.


  1. Beautiful, Chloe. Just beautiful. <3

    ~ Abby {}

  2. You have two fur babies you can come visit anytime, you just may have to RUN the field then they will cuddle! WELL SAID blog! We all need these reminders! HUGS, Gramma!


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