Behind the Boots

Well, here we are.

You already know my name from looking at the sidebar, but in the event that you missed it, I shall introduce myself again; My name is Chloe Linn.

This is not my first ever blog in fact, if you want to go look at a good 2+ years of my life, here's the link to my original blog:

Full-time Christian.

Full-time sister.

Full-time horse wrangler, as of February 2017

Full-time college student.

Bookworm when time allows.

Baker when my family wants something sweet.

Writer when the notion strikes.

I love animals. The family chickens are mine. As are the cats.

I live in Texas- yes I have a slight accent, and yes the sky is bigger here.

My family lives on 17 acres in a town with under 1500 people in it- it's pretty quiet.

Thanks for stopping by, don't be a stranger!


  1. Hello Chloe Linn! *waves* It's very nice to "meet" you!
    I am also a full-time sister, full-time Christian, bookworm, baker, writer, and I LOVE animals!
    You have a lovely blog! I'll enjoy reading your posts! :)

    - Maddy |

    1. Hey Maddy! Nice to meet you too, thanks for stopping by! You have a lovely blog as well! :D

  2. Hi Chloe!
    I just stumbled across your blog, and I'm definitely going to stick around! I am also a full-time sister - or is it over-time? :D I would say that I hope to see regular posts, but that just sounds as though I'm selfishly craving enjoyable writing. Keep up the good work!

    Brianna |

    1. Hey Brianna! Nice to meet you!

      Best overtime job in the word XD

      Thank you very much!

    2. Oh, by the way, I've tagged you over at my blog for the Nameless Book Tag. Just wanted to let you know!


    3. Oh cool, thanks! I’ve kinda gotten behind in reading blogs. XD

  3. I just found your blog now, though I've seen you around the blogosphere. I'm from Texas, too! You have an awesome blog!

    ~Ivie|Ivie Writes

  4. Hey Chloe! I, too, just stumbled across your blog, and I must say it is ADORABLE. Like you, I'm a full-time Christian and sister and I love reading and writing. You might me interested that my first name is actually Abilene, which, though I've never been to Texas, I've heard is a city there. I'm named for tiny Abilene, Kansas.

    Can't wait to read more!

    1. Thank you very much!

      Oh cool! That’s such a pretty name!

  5. Hi Chloe, I relate to a lot of the things you wrote in here! I'm excited to keep reading your blog!


Well hello there! I see you've made it to the bottom of the page, congrats!