Sunday, April 1, 2018

Book Review: Savoring Single, by Shelley Black

**I totally meant to get this out yesterday, but I had set the date before I was working, and to be fair I did start it before midnight**


Why savoring single? Because you were meant to enjoy it!

Finding purpose, knowing love, and experiencing adventure aren’t reserved solely for the married girls! You can enjoy a full and vibrant life even while being single. It’s also a perfect time to partner with what God wants to develop in you through this once-in-a-lifetime part of your journey! Girl, being single is okay. There is a purpose for it, and it won’t last forever. So savor it!

About the Author:

Shelley has journeyed through being single longer than she expected and has since found joy, hope and purpose from a once begrudged season. In her debut title, she challenges the status quo of what it means to be single as a modern-day Christian female, with a passion to infuse hope and restore joy to every single-girl heart.

If you are tired of reading books for singles because they usually fixate on just being single, dating or preparing for marriage, this book will be a breath of fresh air. In a refreshing way, Shelley offers a practical approach to becoming God’s best version of you for the rest of your life, whether single or married, preparing you for all your seasons to come.

My Thoughts:

And I know you're thinking, "Chloe is reading a nonfiction book, what is the world coming to?"

Well, you know what? I felt a nudge to jump at the chance to read it, so here we go.

This is not one of those 'try this method to catch his eye' or 'top 5 ways to get out of the friend-zone' kind of books, and for that, I was very glad!

Savoring Single is a remarkable balance between deep and meaningful, yet still light enough for just about anyone to enjoy, no matter what their reading preference is (though, I probably wouldn't recommend it to those under 15-16, due to the mature themes that are addressed).

Shelley's style of writing is such that it feels like a letter to the reader- very down-to-earth and personable, very refreshing!

Everything is in order, starting from accepting singleness, to finding purpose in singleness, to maturing a relationship with Christ. 

This was definitely not an 'on the whim' book. Each chapter is organized and deeply thought out. Chapters 4, 5, and 6 were the most thought-provoking for me.

It is not a long read, page-wise, but I needed a lot of time to mull over her words. 

All in all, I give it a 4/5 stars!
I received a free digital copy in exchange for an honest review

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