Friday, April 6, 2018

March Recap

I felt so good and proud of myself for working on the February recap all month, but did I learn anything and decide to do it again for March?

Psh, no. Where's the fun in that?

stuff that happened:

We had our first horse judging contest up at the college. We all got there to get settled at about 8:30 in the morning after driving through some of the thickest fog I've ever seen. A few other college teams attended, as well as multiple highschool/4-H groups. All in all, about 300 competitors. It was a ton of fun! I was expecting to be extremely nervous, but I wasn't for some reason, even when I had to present why I placed one of the classes the way I did in front of someone I didn't know without any notes. I'm super excited for the next one in Oklahoma City coming up soon.

Chicks are hatching. The name theme is British Literature. So far we have: Curious, Eleanor, Marianne, Christianna, Edward, Mr. Darcy, and Mr. Bingley (the last two are ducks).

Gabe, in reference to the chick names: "Oh no! Curiosity killed the cat!"

There is a DQ dangerously close to the college. I stop there almost every Wednesday to get a treat between Farm and Shop class and Horsemanship 1.

Speaking of, we are finally allowed to lope in Horsemanship! I've missed it so much! But since I have never had a ton of practice loping, or ever really ridden a horse that liked loping, I'm still getting the hang of not bouncing as much. Not everyone in the class is comfortable doing it yet, but that's fine, the coach is super easy going about it since he's only grading us against ourselves.

I had a run-in with a surprisingly fast deer on the way home from work one night. It dented up the right fender pretty good, and took out the right hand rear view mirror. How I broke it to Mom and Dad: "Hey, I'm home. So this is not a hypothetical question. If I hit a deer, does insurance pay for it?" Apparently only if you have collision on it, which we do not because it's such an old car it wouldn't be very economically efficient.

work stories:

*catches a mop handle before it clunks me in the face* "Now I'm awake." Coworker: "Yeah, nothing like a near-death experience to wake you up again." Me: "Oh, I've had those before." Coworker: "Wait, what?"

Kitchen manager: "Chloe! What color is lemon-lime gatorade?" Me: "I don't know, I don't drink gatorade." KM: *busts out laughing* "That is the best response I've gotten so far!" (there was a debate about the yellow disposable aprons and whether or not they were similar in color to lemon-lime gatorade)

A delightful, but completely random, conversation while on break, trying to be nice and listen because it was a new person, but also trying to eat quickly because I was almost out of time.

Short manager: "Chloe! Who's your best friend?" Me: "Lydia-" SM: "Nonononono, it's pronounced *insert SM's name, slowly*" *a few minutes later* SM: "What's your favorite color?" Me: "Blue, but not because you're wearing it."

Coworker: "I feel awesome, I had coffee this morning!" Me: "...I actually forgot to drink coffee today." CW: "Well, you could get some here- actually no, please don't because I have to clean the coffee thing."

*shredder being a particular pill* Coworker walks by: "Good grief, stop breaking things, Chloe!" Me: "oKAY now, in MY defense, it wasn't working for anyone else either!" KM is trying to get it working again for probably the fifth time. Nothing is working. Me: *reaches over and whaps the shredder* *gets a few odd looks and a couple chuckles* *shredder starts working again after a few seconds*

*thinks to self* "Huh, I haven't made a veggie wrap today." I kid you not. *10 seconds later* *veggie wrap pops up on the screen with two other special salads*

Someone ordered a wrap without chicken and cheese (so lettuce and the carrot/cabbage mixture). Ranks up there on the 'weird order list' with the time I made a wrap that only had lettuce and cheese in it.

Not everything is a bed of roses though. I still get shifts where I feel like all my buttons are pushed, but then there are other shifts that are okay, like the one that was a continuous pun battle between me and a person from up front, or the shift where I found out someone else liked The Hunchback of Notre Dame Broadway and we sang snippets of Out There, and the other time when How Far I'll Go came on over the speaker and some of us sang along to it.


No playlist this month. :(

I've been listening to the same old stuff and trying to block out most of the music at work (because a lot of it is inappropriate and I end up feeling like I need to dunk my head into the dishwater so I can clean my ears), but I have a feeling that April will bring something new.

What was a highlight of your March?


  1. "Oh, I've had those before" xD
    Well, it sounds like March went pretty well for you! I'm so glad!
    Highlight of March... I think it's just that our church Easter program came together (only by God, seriously) and turned out okay. :D
    ~ Abby

    1. That’s great, I can imagine how hard that would be, fantastic job pulling through!

  2. this is me-
    Coworker: "I feel awesome, I had coffee this morning!" Me: "...I actually forgot to drink coffee today." CW: "Well, you could get some here- actually no, please don't because I have to clean the coffee thing."

    Random question. All the CFA's I've been to plays Christian music. Does yours not do so? or do they play different music in the back?

    (also like, I've been working on monthly recaps for a while, but somehow managed not to post anything in February or March??)

    1. I’ve only ever been to one CFA that wasn’t playing music. Ours plays Christian music up front, but the store doesn’t play music in the back, so there’s a portable Bluetooth speaker that a few people ate allowed to connect to and play whatever music they want. For a little while, anyone was allowed to connect to the speaker, or just stick their phone over their station and listen by themselves, but the kitchen manager decided that only a few people would get that privilege.

      Yeah, sometimes it’s good to take a break for a month or two.


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