Sunday, August 19, 2018

How I spent my summer

Ohey there, this is the part of Chloe that really wishes that she would sit down and blog more often.

(also, new fall blog look! actually, that's the same blog look I had before I changed it earlier this year, I just wanted it back)

It took me a few weeks to get it down to a time schedule (where I'd be able to look at my watch and see what should have been done by a certain time), but here it is.

Before Work:

5:30 am- Alarms go off. I have two of them. One I hit snooze once, the other I hit snooze twice.

5:40 am- Actually up and out of bed. Rinse face, brush teeth, do hair.

5:55 am- Reading a daily email that a pastor sends out every morning. Perusing Facebook/Instagram for a few minutes.

6:08 am- Realize what time it it. Make bed, get dressed.

6:12 am- Downstairs. Get coffee started. Begin packing lunch.
(a favorite is: turkey sandwich with mashed avocado spread in, an apple and a pear, and a bottle of gatorade frozen to a slush)

6:30 am- Lunch packed, or almost. Lunch bag set on mudroom bench, grab keys from laundry room and set on lunch bag. Start making breakfast.

6:40 am- Breakfast made, or almost. Start eating. Drink coffee.

6:50 am- Finish breakfast, or almost. Dash up stairs to put on socks, grab hat, and bring down work bag to refill water bottles.

7:00 am- Out taking care of birds. Let them out and give fresh water.

7:12 am- Leave. Preferably before that time, but that is about the latest I can leave and still make it on time.

At Work:

8:00 am- Arrive at work. Greet dogs. Shove lunch bag in the fridge. Take out a water bottle and set it in the freezer so it's cold whenever I want it.

Start grooming horses as soon as possible until they have horses for me to rinse off and we can begin the cycle of: groom, saddle, unsaddle, rinse, repeat. Always grooming other horses when I have a stopping place between all that.

If only one person is riding, there will be a string of five or six horses to put on the walker and/or maybe a horse to turn out for a bit.

Sometimes owners will come out to ride mid to late morning, so it's thrown off just a little bit.

Somewhere between 10 and 11 am- Put my bottle of gatorade in the freezer so that by the time lunch rolls around it is partially frozen.

Noon-ish- I try to eat as close to 12 pm as I can. Usually I'll be at a stopping place anyway. Sometimes I'll eat it in the car if the flies are being especially bothersome.

By the afternoon I'll have groomed all or or most of the horses, so it's just saddling and unsaddling and rinsing. Things slow down a little bit, and I'll be able to guess who wants which horse next, usually. At least once during the week I dust cobwebs off of the stall fronts, so I'll usually do that in the afternoon when it's slow and the guys aren't cleaning stalls.

5-ish pm- Done for the day. If it's been particularly hot or if I'm feeling especially run-down, I'll stop by Sonic for a powerade slush on the way home.

Exit music:

50 minutes after leaving- Arrive home:

Drop stuff in the mudroom and go down to put the birds up for the night (food, water, check for eggs).

Eat dinner.

Get cleaned up.

Become a sloth for the rest of the evening.

9:30-11:00 pm- Anywhere in there, fall asleep. Usually hitting about 10 or 10:30 these days, but I have been known to go to bed before 9:30 too.

Rinse and repeat, Monday through Friday.

Saturday and Sunday- hibernate.

How was your summer?
What new is something new that you experienced?


  1. Sounds like a fun, rewarding, and tiring day! This summer I tutored students in Latin at the library and discovered the awesome student center tutoring room with whiteboard! :D

  2. I enjoy reading you day schedule. Good luck on your journey.


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