Monday, August 13, 2018

The Get to Know Me Tag: Writer's Edition


~ Link back to the person who created the tag, Savannah from Inspiring Writes

~ Thank the person who tagged you- Thanks, Marrok! You've saved my Mother from worrying that I have nothing to do, being off of work for the week.

~ Share the tag graphic (optional)

~ Tag eleven bloggers


(I'm sorry, that's all I can think of)

Vital Stats and Appearance:

Chloe Linn. Nothing long or super fancy.

Umm. Well. The only way to shorten 'Chloe' is 'Clo,' as far as I know, but my Mom used to call me 'Clo-mo-marie-me' when I was probably about four.

2 years, 364 days before 9/11. I turn 20 this year.

Hair Color and Length:
Mousy-brown, hits the middle of my back if it's braided. At the stage of not straight or curly enough to leave it down without slapping a hat on it or putting it in a ponytail if I need to leave the house.

Eye Color:
Blue-ish green, sometimes almost grey. Depends on what color shirt I'm wearing. I love them though.

Braces/ Piercings:
I had braces for a year when I was between 9 and 10, but am lucky enough to not have needed them twice. My ears are pierced, but I don't typically wear earrings because they were done lopsided.

Righty or Lefty?

White. I don't really remember where all we come from.


First novel ever written:
The Songbird, meant to be a retelling smash-up of Sleeping Beauty and Robin Hood. I don't remember when I last wrote in it, but it is definitely not done.

First Novel Completed:
Non-existent. Sorry?

Award for Writing:
Also non-existent.

First Publication:

Unless you count blogposts, also not something I have in my writing repertoire.

Money is a thing, so also none. Not going to deny that Realm Makers does look pretty fantastic though!

I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.


Novel (That you wrote):
Making me dig back into my dusty story folder- I'll be back after I've read everything over again.
*an hour later, seriously*
Still The Songbird. It's the one I've written in the most, and is the most polished.

Fantasy, Historical Fiction, a few Contemporary.

Ok now, I have too many favorites to name just one here. C. S. Lewis, Tolkien, Janette Oke, Chuck Black, Jaye L. Knight, C. G. Drews, Hope Ann, Melanie Dickerson, Lori Wick, and Anne Elisabeth Stengl.

Writing Music:
Soundtracks from LOTR and POTC, or from Two Steps From Hell (I promise the name is misleading, they do a ton of instrumental music).

Time To Write:
Mostly at night. If I'm going to, that'd be the time.

Star WarsLotrPotc, Marvel.

Writing Memory:
The time I wrote 5000 words in one day. It was a long day.

Childhood book:
Hands down the Misty Treasury book that was actually given to Lydia, but I ended up having the 'horse-girl' spark and so commandeered it.


Nothing at the moment, though I just finished Fawkes, by Nadine Brandes, and lemme say it was fabulous!

Just treading water and trying to keep up with blogging.

Listening to:

Not so much learning at this immediate moment, but I am preparing for my classes starting in two weeks.


Want to be Published:
Wouldn't be opposed to the idea.

Wildest Goal:
It doesn't really have anything to do with writing, but I'd love to own my own cattle ranch and train horses for ranch work/performance (as in western pleasure, reining, etc).

Well, that's that! Thanks again for the tag, Marrok!

What is your favorite music to write to?


  1. I have read a lot of blog like this. The only difference are the contents. This is fun to read too.

  2. I like reading tag post. It reminds me of my younger days when "Slam book" was really in. Somehow the context are the same.

  3. Seems like a fun tag and also I got to know more of you.


Well hello there! I see you've made it to the bottom of the page, congrats!